Range of motor control units with scalar control Speed / Frequency that allows a fine speed and torque setting for two-phase and three-phase motors, without using the start capacitor. Cruising speed increase (up to 100Hz) and torque optimisation at low speed
(slowed down phases), acceleration and deceleration ramps, electronic limitation of the current absorbed by the motor, electronic brake or external electro-brake (optional). Digital logic with LCD Display combined with an easy and complete multilingual
menu. Possibility to configure the card according to the needs of the installer and of the type of automation. Simplified stroke programming, adjustable motor speed, managing of a position encoder (if required by the motorisation). It integrates on-board all the necessary for a complete and simplified installation, with 230 Vac flashing light, 230 Vac courtesy light, 24Vac / Vdc accessory alimentation.
Control board for the operating and controlling of industrial automations equipped with one THREE PHASES MOTOR 230 Vac 50Hz 1,5KW (delta connected Δ). Impact sensor function with variable sensitivity (only version with Encoder and during the movement at cruising speed), current electronically limited at 10A, wide backlit display with 2 lines 16 characters and 3 buttons for the adjustment of all the parameters.
Inputs: open, close, step-by-step, pedestrian, stop, photocell, safety edge, open and close limit switches, led inputs status.
Outputs: integrated flashing circuit 230 Vac, courtesy light, accessories power supply 24 Vav/ dc, receiver radio module
THREE PHASE 230 Vac Simple box
THREE PHASE 230 Vac Box with Open Stop Close buttons
Optional radio raceiver